Tuesday, August 02, 2005

HOTOPIYC (Notorious)

Day 15 Wednesday 26th July. Kiev
Visited the tallest Orthodox Church in the world today. It is on a site open to tourists but still has many priests wandering around in black robes carrying prayer beads. The church was built on 11th century cave system built by monks and their bodies were embalmed and lay in glass coffins in the caves for Orthodox pilgrims to visit. The dry atmosphere has kept the bodies in good condition. We decided to wander round these caves which were about 6 foot high and 2 foot wide passage ways. Many of the “pilgrims” kissed every coffin and crossed themselves.
Afterwards we prayed for the churches in the Ukraine that they would know Jesus not religion.
Afterwards we visited another beautiful church (St Sofia) and walked from there down past many tourist stalls selling all kinds of memorabilia from old war items to Eurovision 2005 merchandise and bootleg CD’s.
That evening we went to an under ground club and witnessed a local rock band who sounded a bit like the B52’s. I quite liked them but Grant, being a musician, said they weren’t all that good.

Day 16 Thursday 27th July. Kiev
Last full day. Had a really good prayer time for each other this morning and then headed out to town for dinner and then went to the old city gates. Really felt that Psalm 24:7 was appropriate about ancient gates opening to receive Jesus and also Isaiah 40 about preparing a way for Jesus to enter the city.
Did some souvenir shopping for a while and I got myself a Dynamo Kiev football shirt with Shevchenko on the back!
Headed back to the YWAM base for the evening to join them for their family night and spent most the evening praying for those who wanted prayer and being bowled over by their faith and passion for God. I was able to give a few prophesies for some of them which really encouraged me. They all tried to enlist us to YWAM and I tried to get the guys girlfriends! Returned home and had a bit of pivo before heading to bed.

Day 17 Friday 28th July. Kiev/London
Our last day together. ahhh I left the apartment early and headed into town to spend the last of my money on presents. The stalls didn’t open until 10 though so I sat in Independence Square and prayed about what happens next. Felt God say “Wait and see” which was kind of reassuring.
Stephan picked us up at 12 and we headed to the airport past many high rise apartment blocks on the outskirts of the city. We had to slow down to allow a couple to cross the motorway!
Took ages to get through customs with all our vodka but eventually got on out lovely sophisticated British Airways flight to Heathrow, and there our adventure ends.

Thank you to the guys for being such great company and for all of you who have supported us with prayer and encouragement. If you ever get a chance to go on mission to Eastern Europe take it because you will be blessed so much.

Does anyone know the song that goes… How wonderful, how marvellous, is the love of God…


At 7:47 am, Blogger Grant said...

reeaaalllly? Have I ever told you about teh queen of heavan??

At 7:56 am, Blogger Grant said...

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